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 When I first joined this group I could not have ever imagined the feeling I would be filled with. At first it was as if someone turned on a spark which connected me to women I have never known but yet without hesitation will daven for me and countless other strangers. A group of women brought together by pure Ahavas Yisrael, led by one amazing woman’s vision, wise words and faith. Everyday since I’m constantly amazed by how much unity fills this group, how much more beauty is revealed not only in all the neshamas here but in our Judaism and in our Ahavas Yisrael. Esther your vision, your words, the teachings you share, and the light you shine (Knh) continues to help me learn and strive to do better. Thank you for creating this group! BH! -Anonymous WEB Member

I have learned to pray for others and am blessed with the many women who pray for me.

There are many reason to love this group. We pray for each other, have faith based challenges and see inspirational videos.

 I am honored to be a part of a group of women who believe in helping one another through prayer

The idea of such a varied group of women praying for each other os so inspiring! And i see and feel the impact it makes on not only my daily life, but on the lives of the students in both the elementary and high-school that i work in! It is amazing to see their excitement over it!

Love being in the group of wonderful women who help and pray for each other. We are all on this together and it makes this group special.

I like this group because it connects lots of amazing people to each other and back to our source, Hashem! 

I love Emuna Builders because it helps me connect to many things one Hashem when I read the positive quotes I can turn my whole day around. I like praying for others but it's so comforting to know others are praying for me. These are just a couple of reasons why I love this group. I also feel connected to all the women here

Being in the Emuna Builders group reminds me that I am not alone - everyone has challenges and we can connect with others all over the world to pray for each other.

This is an incredibly inspiring, loving group. Esther Nava is a wonderful teacher, friend and most importantly, a blessing.

 I just joined recently, but I really appreciate connecting with other like-minded women and reading their posts, and reminding myself that I'm not the only soul on this journey. 

I really Love your Emmua builders seen am on that page i learn a lots i really enjoy your live study all my prayer sucess when i ask for prayers now see am listen to you am more connected to Hashem Thank so much to share all that to us Esther Nava. 

 I was so excited when I saw this new group on Facebook. I was looking for new davening groups in the summer and all of a sudden Esther appeared and offered this amazing group about emunah♡♡♡ I always join groups where there are women davening together's much more meaningful to daven for others and I get a lot of chizuk from this. .i love the 40 day challenges, it's strengthens everyone to daven extra tefilos! More power to us.... I love the kever treks and that Esther offers to daven for us by special kevarim of tzaddikim and shows us the videos too:)

I really love this group it has really open my eyes to love our Hashem. It is also great that we are all here for each other. This has become amazing group to be in. I love it. Thank you.

This group is love. This group is faith. This group is kindness. This group is the calm, secure, holy place to ride out our lives and fulfill our missions together. In this group, we are one.

 I really enjoy this group as it has amazing woman who are truly dedicated to helping one another and not only building emuna but living it which is the most important and wonderful concept and foundation of our beautiful people and faith . Ty Esther

This is the most amazing group. To meet spiritually minded woman. Who want to come closer to hash-em through prayer. And self improvement is so very rare. I was recently in and out of the hospital with severe stomach pain thinking it was something to do with the appendix. After giving in my name for prayer the pain completely went away. I am truly grateful to Esther and her kindness, may she always be blessed.

Esther is wonderful, so caring. She has taught me to believe in things.

A great support to know that people are taking the time to daven for me and my family and at the same time, a wonderful feeling to know that I am able to do so for others.

Being a member of this Emuna Builders group gives me inner peace and strength. To be around like-minded women I feel at home and I can be myself, without thinking: can I say this, can I write this down etc. The love Esther Nava gives me and gives to all of the women, I can truly feel. Thank you for creating the best facebook group(s) existing in internet-land. 

Very spiritual. Back to my religious beliefs

For me, Emma Builders is a powerful group that connects wonderful people together to share their commitment to grow spiritually and want to obtain more knowledge to our Creator. As a Founding Member, I am blessed constantly with the all of the prayers that are sent my way, and also blessed to be able to pray for others. It is absolutely amazing how much I grow in faith on a daily basis through this group. We have challenges that we agree to participate in, where you know you are never alone when praying and/or involved in any of the "Challenges". My gratitude to Hashem for having guided me to this wonderful Emuna Builders Group is without limits and as I continue this journey to being more spiritual as well as helping others grow their faith . . . The path on this journey will take may turns, and I hope that many more have the opportunity to join us on this, our incredible journey. Thank you and Bless you Esther for putting together this incredible group. 

I found Esther Nava's Emuna Builders Group rewarding. I mostly attempted to keep up to date with the Tehillim portions and today I awoke early to go to Shul to daven Schachris with a minyan.
Really happy about this!

Beautiful, supportive, community emphasizing service to HaShem and to our fellows..Esther, thank you for sharing your many gifts...A true Eishes Chayil...Thank you for your dedication...and for leading by example ...May we find peace of heart and mind...May we know true Emuna and Bitachon ....and May we continue to grow ..from Strength to Strength in our knowledge of HaShem...of Torah...and of our true purpose...May we merit the rebuilding of the Beis HaMikdash, and the coming of Moshiach, speedily, in our day...Amein

An informative and inclusive group helping people learn about and expand their belief in Hashem, the Creator of the world.

There’s so much love and care for each other here. 💞thank you Esther for creating this space for us!

I love this group because it gives me chizuk. I like doing the 40 day challenges together with a group and I feel all the support from everyone. I also appreciate that Esther tells us on each thread what she is davening for... and I love the inspirational memes.

Rabbi Lazer Brody and Rav Shalom Arush We love you and our beloved sister tzedekes Esther Nava is doing great work to unite us in prayer & praise B'H

Esthers emuna page gives me inspiration every day!

Esther Nava is doing wonderful work - there is nothing greater than spreading emuna. Every blessing, Rabbi Laser Brody

It is my great privledge to give my highest endorsement to the holy Rebbetzin Esther Abta. Rebbetzin Esther is a licensed psychotherapist and a certified Emuna-Coach, but she is much more than her many professional credentials and certifications indicate- she is a powerful agent of the Almighty G-d's loving-kindness in this world. Thousands are touched by Rebbetzin Esther's kindness and prayers everyday. She selflessly and tirelessly labors for the good of the world and shines the Light of her deep faith into everything she does. Rebbetzin Esther has earned my endorsement and the endorsement of Rabbi Shalom Arush. May G-d give her the strength to continue her holy work until the end of days. Amen. -Rabbi Dr. Zev Ballen

My why is connecting to Hashem .you with your beautiful soul Esther, have created a place where women come apart with the commonality of prayer and turning to Hashem for what we need and this is real tikun olam since we are of different backgrounds and ways of practicing and you are bringing us all together - too much division within the Jewish people and this is a place where we can unite in prayer

Some good news to report and my mom is so grateful you added my name to the prayer list in Israel! It worked! We had 4 failed retrievals never getting any day 5 blasts and purchased (very expensive) donor eggs. Well, I was all set to begin my meds for the donor transfer but my period hasn’t arrived yet. I went to the doctor who made me give a urine sample and ultrasound to find out I’m 8w3d pregnant naturally!!!! We are so shocked!
I was told I had a zero chance by 3 different clinics. My AMH at .03 they said my eggs are old and poor.

I can’t thank you enough for the prayers!

B'H I asked you to pray for me to find a job and I want to thank you because I finally found one that is really excited to have me. Many blessings for your good heart and thank you. Sometimes life beats me down so hard and far I lose the strength to pray for myself. Shavua tov.

My husband has been unemployed for sometime now and BH he got a job yesterday! 
I wanted to thank the group for all your prayers! 

B”H Thank you for your prayers. Yet another miracle thanks to this group - a legal matter resolved in favor of a me and my husband. Baruch Hashem... and thank God for this group, and for Esther. We are so grateful, feeling so blessed, and emotional right now. Thank you.

I’ve gotten a lot of chizuk from you and Emuna Builders! Davening and saying Tehillim helps...and knowing that there are others that I’m davening for just as much as for myself.

Esther, last year when you offered this incredible blessing to all of us I quickly sent you my name and my mother’s name. A month after our fourth egg retrieval we spontaneously got pregnant with twins! We are now 20 weeks and in awe of G-d’s miracles. Thank you so much for doing this for all of us. Your prayers were heard and we will continue to pray for you and everyone else to conceive and have healthy babies! I’m praying you receive many more messages like this one and you are finally able to post about your received miracle. Thank you for your incredible kindness and love. ❤️ Each day I thank G-d for allowing us to be pregnant for one more day. It is to Him that I give all of the glory. Please share His miracles

Esther I have to tell you I believe that your prayers all over Israel have helped my situation. My husband and I separated back in May. We have had a rough few years and just couldn’t be together anymore. So I’ve been praying along with everyone who asks for names that we would be able to save our marriage. Well BH the prayers were answered and my husband and I are back together again!! I am so grateful to you for bearing the burden of pleading to Hashem in our behalf. May you be blessed with everything you need in the right time.

Esther I have to tell you I believe that your prayers all over Israel have helped my situation. My husband and I separated back in May. We have had a rough few years and just couldn’t be together anymore. So I’ve been praying along with everyone who asks for names that we would be able to save our marriage. Well BH the prayers were answered and my husband and I are back together again!! I am so grateful to you for bearing the burden of pleading to Hashem in our behalf. May you be blessed with everything you need in the right time.

I am full of gratitude - after you prayed for me, I finally fell pregnant (after 7 years of trying). I am now 16 weeks. Thank you so much ✨

Ever since I joined these Emuna Builder groups for prayers I've been more optimistic more hopeful more positive and I love who I'm becoming I want to thank the group and u I had got the email the other day for my very first home I'm so excited I've been wanting this along with other things for so long I know this is the beginning thank u Esther 😊

Almost a year ago, Esther Avta posted that she would put our names into the Western (Wailing) Wall. I was one of many that requested that she include my name. That was just a few days before our final IVF transfer. Our last chance. It was the transfer that finally worked. I wanted to say, "Thank you, Esther!" Our precious one will be 15 weeks ❤

I need to confess that when I began this journey I was dead inside myself, but decided to try this path as all others had failed me. Having just admitted to my spiritual level at this time, I need to put it in perspective and go back to 2010, when my entire life collapsed in the blink of an eye. I was a party to a very violent and sudden tragic event that resulted in the passing of my husband of many years. At first I did everything as if I was in a daze, and kept praying that I would wake up and my life as I knew it would be there. Then reality sent in and I didn't know what to do-how could this happen to me! Then into my life came Emuna Builders which has hown to me as my path for a second chance at life, that I can have faith!

Several months ago I came to Israel and davened with Esther for a zivug speedily. That day we were at Rabbi Joseph Caro kever. While Esther was davening the wind picked up the paper that had my prayers on it that she was praying and landed by the kever of Rabbi Joseph Caro. That night I met the man I am marrying!

I’ve been messaging Esther every time i see that she is going to a holy site to pray. I asked if she could pray for better livelihood and for a shidduch for me. Thanks to her prayers to G-d on my behalf, my requests were answered. Thank G-d! Thank you Esther! May you continue being a blessing in our lives.

After davening for months for my dearest friend for Parnassah, she was offered a great job right before Shabbos last week that will do well to cover all of her needs and it has benefits and was able to obtain her first car yesterday.

In July you prayed for me to conceive...We conceived in July and are 10 weeks pregnant now and doing well! Expected delivery in April! Thank you for your prayers! ♥️

In April, Esther had posted in a group if anyone wanted prayer to conceive. I message her my name and asked her to pray. My IVF transfer was May 1st with our only 2 embryos from the second cycle, 3day fresh. My AMH was 0.32

I just hit 20 weeks on Saturday 💙 with a baby boy!

I wanted to share with you G-d’s answer to your prayers over us and thank you for the time and faith you shared Esther.! We have waited four years on our agency’s list. The odds of adopting in our state are very low...2 in a year the past several years. We have been praying and waiting on God. The information about the Hannah Shabbat was passed to us from a friend. Two weeks later we got our “baby call”.

You took my name to Holy Sites in Israel. I found out we are pregnant NATURALLY this morning when doctors gave us a 0% chance!! Thank you so much! G-d is Good!

Esther Nava thank you so much for praying for me! Your prayers are very powerful! I’m now 14 weeks - after 4 years of infertility, months of medicated cycles, 2 failed IUIs and 5 IVF cycles! 💕

B'H About 6 weeks ago I gave birth to a baby boy. He's my rainbow baby. I misscarried, and then tried for almost a yr b4 this lil guy was conceived. I also had a successful vbac, and amazing recovery.

This group gives me hope!

I love this group because it represents to me how women should treat each other. It also represents the good that can be done with social media.

 I love this because it’s very spiritual!🙂 and love seeing everyone come together and pray for another human being and becoming closer to hashem 💕💕

Emuna Builders is a spiritual and virtual channel that connects souls from all walks of life, from different parts of the world, that leads to the only SOURCE of our existence,HASHEM! Through unselfish shared prayers and inspiring words from the Torah, this group has become a Safe Haven of everyone's challenging journeys of life, when things get rough and tough..A haven where Hope and Emunah of a tired and sometimes confuse souls are rekindled. All glory to HaShem and thanks to the admin for carrying out this holy tasks.☺😊

This group is definitely the light of my social media life ❤️

I love Emunah builders because it helps me connect with other woman around the world and we as one can pray and help one another becoming closer to Hashem!

Emuna builders is giving me daily the feeling I get every week as I bentch licht (​(light and) bless candles). At that moment I feel that all around the world millions of women are united together bringing light to the world; here we are surrounding the world with prayers, light and gratitude and changing us and the world for the good!! Thank you!!

Because there is strength in Jewish Women’s unity! 💜💕💙

Since I have joined this group my mental and emotional health has improved so much. I am so much more stable and happy. Other good things have happened as well. Thank you for creating this group. I was in a dark place and I needed this so badly. It was G-d sent.

Emuna builders is giving me daily the feeling I get every week as I bentch licht. At that moment I feel that all around the world millions of women are united together bringing light to the world; here we are surrounding the world with prayers, light and gratitude and changing us and the world for the good!! Thank you!!

 I love Emunah builders because they promote growth between women and spiritually inclined towards Gd, with help from the group I was able to have the ability to have my loved ones and the loved ones of am yisrael cared for and promote health and happiness for all of us. I find that this is a builder in many ways to create a loving atmosphere for others to grow in Emunah and unity of us as a people. This has been an incredible journey for me. Thank you so much.

 Emuna builders brings light into people's lives. Every day I look forward to Emuna builders posts.Esther Nava 's posts, inspirations, encouragements, words of wisdom and prayer treks are absolutely amazing and inspiring. Thanks you for bringing Hashem's light into so many people's lives. 

I love Emunah Builders as its an incredible opportunity to have my prayer requests prayed for at Kevers of holy Tzaddikim. Esther Nava is really a spiritual visionary and I’m humbled to be part of this very beautiful group. This is really an amazing; incredible spiritually uplifting experience. I also love that I am part of a very special group of women from all backgrounds all coming together for prayer, for saying Tehillim together. This is very spiritually empowering.

 I appreciate the uplifting, altruistic focus, the opportunities for tefilla within that context and this beautiful expression of כל ישראל ערבים זה לזה.

I love that my faith has been renewed, by praying for others and knowing I am thoughts and prayers too. I feel inspired to be more grateful, more faithful and to focus on spreading kindness and encouragement like Esther does daily.

I love this group of powerfully compassionate prayer warriors who have come together in an intentional community 💜

 I’m so blessed that I had joined Emuna builder,and met Esther Nava.I had grown so much spiritual,i feel the connection when we read Tehilim daily. I feel the love and connection that we pray for people we don’t even know,we are all united.Thank you Ester Nava,for your guidance and support.

 I found Emunah Builders during a difficult time in my life testing me mentally and physically. It has helped me so much not to feel alone! I am also getting other people to join strength in numbers and lots of prayers sent out into the world.

 I love the support we give each other, the connection we get when we share Tehillim readings and the wonderful woman on this site all learning and growing spiritually.

 I enjoy saying the 40 day challenges together as a group. I like the achdus and caring for each other. I enjoy Esther Nava 's learning together videos and lazer brody's words of encouragement!

I love the way being part of a group elevates my prayers.
I love the sense of community on emunah builders. And I love the warm feeling I get from the prayers, love and support of all the women here.

“My why of why I love Emuna Builders is connecting to Hashem .you with your beautiful soul Esther, have created a place where women come apart with the commonality of prayer and turning to Hashem for what we need and this is real tikun olam since we are of different backgrounds and ways of practicing and you are bringing us all together - too much division within the Jewish people and this is a place where we can unite in prayer.” -Anonymous Emuna Builder Member

When I first joined this group I could not have ever imagined the feeling I would be filled with. At first it was as if someone turned on a spark which connected me to women I have never known but yet without hesitation will daven for me and countless other strangers. A group of women brought together by pure Ahavas Yisrael, led by one amazing woman’s vision, wise words and faith. Everyday since I’m constantly amazed by how much unity fills this group, how much more beauty is revealed not only in all the neshamas here but in our Judaism and in our Ahavas Yisrael. Esther your vision, your words, the teachings you share, and the light you shine (Knh) continues to help me learn and strive to do better. Thank you for creating this group! BH! 

I really enjoy this group as it has amazing woman who are truly dedicated to helping one another and not only building emuna but living it which is the most important and wonderful concept and foundation of our beautiful people and faith . Ty Esther 💖

This group is love. This group is faith. This group is kindness. This group is the calm, secure, holy place to ride out our lives and fulfill our missions together. In this group, we are one. ❤️✡️❤️

I feel like I have gained a number of ‘sisters’. We are all davening for different things but for each other. It’s like another way to show our love for HaShem through our love for our selves and each other.
And of course HaKatrat HaTov to you Esther Nava for bring us all together😘

 I have read the daily tehillim for 3 years every day, but since joining women emuna builders, a lot has only changed in my life, there has been a lot of control especially "Emotion "

 "I love the support we give each other, the connection we get when we share Tehillim readings and the wonderful woman on this site all learning and growing spiritually."

"I enjoy saying the 40 day challenges together as a group. I like the achdus and caring for each other. I enjoy Esther Nava 's learning together videos and rabbi lazer brody's words of encouragement!"

"I love the way being part of a group elevates my prayers.
I love the sense of community on emunah builders. And I love the warm feeling I get from the prayers, love and support of all the women here."

"I found Emunah Builders during a difficult time in my life testing me mentally and physically. It has helped me so much not to feel alone! I am also getting other people to join strength in numbers and lots of prayers sent out into the world."

" I’m so blessed that I had joined Emuna builder,and met Esther Nava.I had grown so much spiritual,i feel the connection when we read Tehilim daily. I feel the love and connection that we pray for people we don’t even know,we are all united.Thank you Ester Nava,for your guidance and support."

" I love emuna builders because i am a part of an awesome way to help heal others. This group gives one/ me the opportunity to connect with other Like minded women .I feel blessed 🙂"

"I love to feel part of this group, we don't even know each other personally yet we pray together for the same cause, we become One through Prayer, that is beyond words! Thank you!"

"The ladies on this site are so supportive and understanding. It’s a very special site to feel close to Hashem and Esther is a very special person. I am so glad she is in charge of this group."

"I love being held accountable for saying Shir HaShirim, love this community, love Esther for starting, facilitating and supporting all of us.
Thank you!"

"This is a beautiful page that I am so thankful for! Although I read tehillim regularly, your guidance provides so much depth and inspiration. I love reading about Rebbe Nachman and others who have worked so hard to help us connect with Hashem."

"This is a beautiful page that I am so thankful for! Although I read tehillim regularly, your guidance provides so much depth and inspiration. I love reading about Rebbe Nachman and others who have worked so hard to help us connect with Hashem.

"I love the camaraderie of women in a sisterhood of bracha, support, and warmth through life’s ups and downs."

" I love this group because I have learned so much and I’ve been able to share the power of Emunah and the love for HaShem with others . I love this group because I am part of like minded sisters Bh"

" I love the encouragement and support plus I am continually learning so much. Thank you Esther!! 😃💖"

" EB has made my life safe in the hands of HaShem, a closer walk with the Creator... Special bond with sisters all over the world who give so much of assurance emotionally.... Thanks to the technology that created a link to bond us all us ❤ One...."

" Love the achdut it brings, the ability to grow spiritually without feeling overwhelmed. The 40 day challenges strengthen faith."

" I love reading Emuna each day. I am confident that my day is Filled with the integrity of goodness It has helped to untie the knots of negativity and I breathe easier with the truth of goodness I feel the support of lovingkindness of community throughout the day. I am bolstered on days when I have not succeeded and am encouraged to begin anew. Thank you"

"I like emunah builders because it helps me do mitzvot and connect to Hashem"

" I love Emuna Builders because being in this group is literally building my emuna. This group has brought me closer to my people, their challenges are mine to daven for their breakthrough, which somehow wonderfully becomes my breakthrough too! This group causes me to think more about my Creator and his purpose for creating me. I am so hooked on this, and I feel so much love and gratitude to HaShem and everyone here as we daven and learn and light up all the dark corners of the world physically and spiritually ♥️♥️‼️"

" I love the prayer unity of our community and the global effect that we have. It’s so important for us as women to have this space to come together in support and encouragement for each other. And finally it is a tremendous blessing to be able to have our names read and prayed for at the keverim of the holy Tzaddikim."

"I love reciting Tehillim! It keeps me connected to Hashem. It grounds my life by teaching me more about Hashem and helps me grow closer in love with H-m. It allows me to get to know others, to share experiences, to read of others' experiences, pain, joy and find love in my heart for strangers who then become special, some in more ways than others. It allows me to help others and share what I have learned to maybe help in another person's life. I love that we support each other in prayer, with prayer treks, encouragement and inspiration. I am SO thankful to be a part of this group! Todah rabbah!"

" I love Emuna Buikders because it is a judgment free zone where all these amazing women come together to pray for each other, the needs of the world, and for themselves. I have learned how and what to pray through Psalms. We see miracles being created and situations changed through the unity of emuna and trust in Hashem formed through this group. Thank you for helping me to embark on this journey."

"Being a part of WEB helps me stay connected to empowering and motivated women reciting tehellim on a global level. Social media can be used in a positive way and this is one example. Since joining this group I have had more time to dedicate to reading chapters of tehellim and also the opportunity to join other groups such as 13PrinciplesofFaith and Tikkun Haklali, one door opens to more opportunities to learn Torah and all things Judaism. Thank you for starting this group!"

" I love W.E.B. because I feel Ahavas Yisrael with all the members of this amazing group. With that in addition to the light that Esther Nava has sparked in all of us (not just mine) I feel like this group is an vehicle of ascent for my neshama."

"Emuna Builders Keeps me going!"

"Being a part of WEB allows me to give and get so much! I have great opportunities to participate in group tefillah/tehillim, and I have the ability to have myself and loved ones prayed for as well. Also, the affirmations posted, etc. in addition to the prayers by/for me have helped me and my emunah/bitachon grow so much over the last several months. I've seen amazing and revealed brachos happening in my life despite many challenging situations as a result in my growth! BH! :)"

"I love Emunah builders because learned that Tehillim means psalms and fervent prayer of tehillim a powerful . I’ve leaned that to separate challah is more than intimate dedicated time with HaShem but also that the separation of challah corrects the tikun of women that stemmed from the sin of eve. I have also connected with beautiful women who I don’t even personally know but I’ve grown to love ."

"This group reminds me of the power of the 'klal'
I love the unity of reciting tehillim with other women
the group and the prayer treks help me feel connected to tzadikim, my ancestors and Judaism."

"I am so happy full of joy to be in this awesome group of wonderful prayer warriors of G-d. I look forward daily to help with prayers it completes my day knowing the world has light from our psalms to make this world a better place. Thank you Esther and all for making Hashem happy."

"Emuna Builders give me strength wisdom knowledge peace friendship with sisters I've never had and I feel welcomed and loved.
Emuna Builders make my faith strong and bold and on a new high level.
Emuna Builders make me a better person with creative thoughts and a heart full of joy and love."

" It brings me closer to Hashem! I'm able to do His will and help others."

"I have had a crazy journey to get pregnant. I want to thank you for all your prayers and support, especially when I was going crazy on the IVF medicine. You helped me stay grounded and knowing you have been praying for me all over Israel, I am so extremely grateful. I gave birth to a healthy baby girl over a month ago! You have a direct connection to Heaven and I am so grateful."

"I wanted to thank Esther and Emuna Builders for all your prayers! I give birth to a beautiful baby boy 2 months ago. I was told that I had a low chance of conceiving even through IVF. HaShem made a way!"

"Baruch HaShem Esther I want to thank you for your prayers. I met you last Purim and you prayed for me to marry my beshert. Four months ago I married my beshert! You are an amazing women with a strong connection to The Almighty!"

"Esther, you prayed for my son to be healed and the test results came back last week that everything has normalized in his body. Thank you HaShem, thank you Esther for traveling all over Israel and your prayers, thank you to the Tzaddikim, thank you for everyone who recites the refuah shlema tehillim everyday!"

"One of the people that I have been putting their name in for your prayers just had a dramatic and tremendous Yeshua from Hashem! Good news ! This helped to tremendously increase my emunah. Thank you for all the work that you do, and your prayers have helped me a lot ... I have had a lot of help from Hashem for some very difficult situations in the last year, but Hashem has sustained me and has sent helpers all throughout."

"Hi Esther. I hope you are doing well! I would like to share some Boruch Hashem good news. My dear Mom has completed treatment back in end of September and was undergoing some tests. The tests showed that she does not have that sickness and is under watchful observation!!! I know it is all because of HaShem’s great mercy and kindness and His answers to many prayers. You are a big participant as well. My Mom sends her regards and best wishes! Thank you for all that you do!"

"Hey Esther, That night you posted for my baby to turn, I woke up the next morning and he had turned! It's because the power of your group! Five days later I delivered a beautiful healthy baby boy!!😍🤗🙏🙏🙏 so grateful how everything turned around for good!"

"Thank you so much for accepting me to be part of your group. You can’t imagine how much joy brings to my heart every time I join your group to say the psalms. I tried to catch them as soon as I see them , but sometimes because the time difference, it’s hard.
Thank you so so much for what you do. May HaShem continues blessing you abundantly."

"Good news! Thanks to Hashem and Emuna Builders' prayers my family got a new house ! Thank you with all my heart ! May Hashem grant you the wishes of your heart and above !"

""Someone I put in for open prayer trek asking for parnassa recently got the job they were seeking almost immediately as well as a check that was unlooked for from a previous job’s wages that they earned but were never paid and which the authorities had already said would not be able to be collected. Somehow they got the money for him! These two things happened within one week of your prayers and it was fairly dramatic and I thought I would share good news. Another person you have been praying for got a huge yeshua and just won a very big court case and he is righteous and his win was just. This Increases my emunah greatly.

"Two things. I have been placing in each of the Tzaddiks prayer treks a certain name for fertility. She had an enlarged ovary and no medication was working. After much prayer her ovary went to a normal size and is ready to conceive if that is Hashems will. I had also placed a certain name of for Refuah Shleimah for his diagnosis of Leukemia. The month of Kislev he was given the news he was in remission and continues going strong right now in his final treatments."

"Hi Esther I hope you are well.. I wanted to let you know that you added me to one of your lists this time last year. I think you are amazing there are just no words really. Anyway my beautiful boy is 3 months old after 4 years of struggles and treatment. I have no doubt you played a big part in this. I don’t even know how to thank you! I hope all is well on your side and that you too have had your little blessing!!"

"The strength from every Emuna Builder post that gives me hope to keep going.

The community of women who only want good for each other.

The ability to sponsor and or be a part of amazing prayer treks that wouldn't be possible without Emuna Builders."

"It gives me hope, a better perspective and the strength to go on"

"Women Emuna Builders calms my anxiety, I feel connected and it’s a positive place on social media (which is super rare these days)!"

"I love emunah builders bc I am fortified by the support of the community. I feel like my tehillim and prayers take on more meaning when I pray with and for a group. I find support and comfort in knowing that others are praying for me as well. And I am inspired by the 40 day challenges and opportunities to connect with tzaddikim through the prayer treks."

"I love Emuna Builders because it has connected me through HaShem to all of you beautiful people! It feel so inspiring to be connected through prayer and mitzvot, especially during this pandemic which can be isolating. I have learned a great deal from Emuna Builders about tehillim, how to use/when to use and other aspects of Judaism that I was not familiar with or did not understand as well. I include all of you in my nightly prayers, and also during Shabbat. It's heartwarming to know that I am in your prayers as well. G-d forbid, in an emergency, we are all here for each other. This group and Esther Nava Abta are a wonderful expression of holiness that I love. I love the treks from so far away but seem sometimes immediately right here. True connection and love and concern for each other. Thank you for being in my life!"

"Emuna Builders makes me feel more connected to Hashem. I feel that I have more purpose in life when I say tehillim with the women in this group. Esther makes me feel special."

"I am so happy to be a part of the women's emunah builders group . It gives me chizuk every day. I enjoy participating in tehillim and I appreciate what Esther Nava Abta does for this group..kever treks, videos, sharing her thoughts and prayers"

"I love Emuna Builders because of the huge power of prayer we all empower one another and prayer  with many Jewish woman is so powerful and beautiful"

"I love Emuna Builders because it gives me an opportunity to daven that I would have otherwise passed up. I love Emuna Builders because it inspires others to become spiritual entrepreneurs. I love Emuna Builders because it provides fellowship for Jewish women all over the world."

"Emuna builders gives me the strength to go on! It gives me great perspectives& terrific hope."

"I love Emuna Builders as it brings me closer to Hashem. I get to join with thousands of women to ask Hashem to bring joy, emuna/bitachon, refuah sheleimah, shalom, unity, and to eradicate evil from the world! Emuna Builders brings joy as we encourage others and are encouraged with inspirations, answered prayers and community love and needs. If that wasn't enough, we get to submit our family and friends' names with specific prayers to be davened for at tzaddikim's kevers! Sometimes there are even special projects we get to work on that give us more understanding, wisdom and more tools to fight evil with. Thank you, todah rabbah, Emuna Builders!!!"

"Emunah builders helps me feel more connected spiritually, it gives me ( and so many others ) so much hope , it makes me ( and others ! ) not feel alone in life and in the world . Thanks for all the great work you do and for spreading more love and light in the world !"

"I like EB because it has allowed me to learn to have a stronger connection to Hashem through prayer. I have learned to pray for others and others to pray for me. This has taught me to get out of my head completely and focus on what matters. The posts about what every psalm is for has led me to really get to see miracles and the power of prayer."

"I LOVE Emuna Builders because it is spreading Hashem's name, will and Torah throughout the world. Women come together and I think even some men to support, pray and inspire each other. It allows one a chance to do great mitzvahs many times over. If one is a partner sponsoring prayer treks, one not only has their own prayers prayed and answered, get to be there for others on the open prayer treks!!! Can you imagine how many prayers are answered???!!! I thank Hashem for Esther and those who help with Emuna Builders. May all their needs, and good desires be fulfilled and may we see continue growing, giving and davening bringing Moshiach speedily and in our days!!!"

"the spark of your beautiful neshama Esther Nava added with each spark you ignite of the beautiful women in this group help to carry on the eternal awareness, gratitude, love, fear and awe of G-d for me, helps bring the beautiful wisdom of the tzaddikim to me and helps enrich my Ahavas Yisrael. My souls is on fire with the help of this group❣️ Thank you for being the tool of HaShem to bring all that and more to me."

"Best group ❤️..I love all the 40 day groups that I am part of. I enjoy all of Esther Nava dvar torahs, articles ,kever treks & surprise guest speakers . I especially am impressed with all the preparation and thought that goes into each aspect of the group. The most important and special thing that this group has is Achdus...kol hakavod Esther, hashem should continue to bless you and your family with hatzlacha gezunt. parnassa & nachas todah raba"

"I like Emuna Builders because it helps me grow spiritually and it supports and pray for other people too"

"A shining star in the making of a beautiful human being. You are HIS sent Angel to guide us when we are down n lowly and to boost us up with Tehilim.... Stay Blessed Thousand fold with all ur beloved n loved ones. Especially Ethan . Each n every prayer trek u do for us and the 40 days challenges gives us Energy to be responsible n grateful to the Creator. FANTABULOUS VIRTUAL HUGS TO YOU DEAR."

"Thank you, Esther Nava! I feel so blessed that I found you when you were forming this group! You are truly an inspiration and my connection to Hashem has been strengthened more and more! Your enthusiasm and love for Hashem is contagious!!! 💜💜"

"Being a jew from a small community, this group is a daily reminder that I have a beautiful tribe all across this globe that HaShem has built us. I am able to pull close to my people, the tzaddikim, and Hashem, all through a few keystrokes. What a miracle!"

"I don't know how I found this group, but it has changed my life. I've learned and grown so much from you, Esther Nava, and also from these wonderful, pious, and learned women. Sometimes I drift away for a bit, and I can feel the difference and nothing is quite right until I reconnect. Thank you all for bringing me closer to Hashem. "

"Emuna builders brings light into people's lives. Every day I look forward to Emuna builders posts. Esther Nava 's posts, inspirations, encouragements, words of wisdom and prayer treks are absolutely amazing and inspiring. Thanks you for bringing Hashem's light into so many people's lives"

"I love Emunah Builders as its an incredible opportunity to have my prayer requests prayed for at Kevers of holy Tzaddikim. Esther Nava is really a spiritual visionary and I’m humbled to be part of this very beautiful group. This is really an amazing; incredible spiritually uplifting experience. I also love that I am part of a very special group of women from all backgrounds all coming together for prayer, for saying Tehillim together. This is very spiritually empowering."

"Emuna Builders makes me connected and that my tefillah is stronger."

""The strength from every post that gives me hope to keep going. The community of women who only want good for each other. The ability to sponsor and or be a part of amazing prayer treks that wouldn't be possible without Emuna Builders."

"Emuna Builders calms my anxiety, I feel connected and it’s a positive place on social media (which is super rare these days)!"

"I love Emuna Builders because it has connected me through HaShem to all of you beautiful people! It feel so inspiring to be connected through prayer and mitzvot, especially during this pandemic which can be isolating. I have learned a great deal from Emuna Builders about tehillim, how to use/when to use and other aspects of Judaism that I was not familiar with or did not understand as well. I include all of you in my nightly prayers, and also during Shabbat. It's heartwarming to know that I am in your prayers as well. G-d forbid, in an emergency, we are all here for each other. This group and Esther Nava Nava are a wonderful expression of holiness that I love. I love the treks from so far away but seem sometimes immediately right here. True connection and love and concern for each other."

"Emuna Builders is a  huge power of prayer we all empower one another and prayer  with many Jewish woman is so powerful and beautiful"

"I love Emuna Builders because it gives me an opportunity to daven that I would have otherwise passed up. I love Emuna Builders because it inspires others to become spiritual entrepreneurs. I love Emuna Builders because it provides fellowship for Jewish women all over the world."

"Emuna builders gives me the strength to go on! It gives me great perspectives& terrific hope"

"I love Emuna Builders as it brings me closer to Hashem. I get to join with thousands of women to ask Hashem to bring joy, emuna/bitachon, refuah sheleimah, shalom, unity, and to eradicate evil from the world! Emuna Builders brings joy as we encourage others and are encouraged wtih inspirations, answered prayers and community love and needs. If that wasn't enough, we get to submit our family and friends' names with specific prayers to be davened for at tzaddikim's kevers! Sometimes there are even special projects we get to work on that give us more understanding, wisdom and more tools to fight evil with. Thank you, todah rabbah, Emuna Builders!!! May your prayers all be answered for the good!!!"

"I like Emuna Builders because it has allowed me to learn to have a stronger connection to Hashem through prayer. I have learned to pray for others and others to pray for me. This has taught me to get out of my head completely and focus on what matters. The posts about what every psalm is for has led me to really get to see miracles and the power of prayer."

"Emuna builders provides a network for me to connect to HaShem. Whether it is through prayer, or meditations or reflective questions, I know that there is a community of beautiful souls who want me to be my best and achieve my purpose here in this world. I am always humbled by your strength, bitul, and of course, emunah, and hope one day I can be that inspiration to others. For now I am grateful for your presence in my life."

"I love the emunah builders group because it reminds me to not take anything for granted and that we need to daven and give thanks to Hashem every second of our lives, I love that there are opportunities for one to increase in their mitzvos and where so many prayer treks take place giving people the zechus to get their tefillos answered. Not only that but I think it's absolutely heart warming and amazing what Esther does for this group. Thank you!!!"

"I love Emuna Builders because through emuna, we are sparks of light of Moshiach throughout the world."

This website is dedicated in the zechut of Isabell Sophia Barlow, Chava bat Chava Chaya,  Leib Eliyahu ben Yahel יהל Yehudit, z'l, R' HILLELZL & ZELDA ZL RUBINSTEIN


Laura bat Mary 

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