Prayer for Serving HaShem with This Day
When a person wants to serve HaShem, it can be overwhelming. If you raise your perspective that you have only this day, then you will see that serving HaShem is not so overwhelming and burdensome.
A person should not put things off concerning serving HaShem saying "tomorrow" you will begin. You only have the present day and moment. The future constitutes of an entirely different world.

Prayer for Serving HaShem with This Day
May no concerns about anything in the world upset me. May I enter the realm of Your hollness, approach You and renew myself every day for the good. Every day and at every moment, may I add more holiness, purity and awe to my life as I engage in acts of worship. May I not cheat myself by delaying my service of You from one day to the next. Rather, may I always consider that I have nothing but the present day and moment. May I strive to fulfill the obligations of the day, to do all that is within my capacity and not procrastinate, so that I will not be ashamed. Rescue me every day with a new and wondrous salvation, so that I will approach You and come ever closer to You, in accordance with Your beneficent will. "Sing to HaShem, all the land; proclaim His salvation from day to day." "Sing to HaShem, bless His Name, proclaim His salvation from day to day." From this moment onward, during the few days that I have at my disposal in this transient world, help me renew my days.
"Teach us to count our days, and then we will acquire a heart of wisdom. Return, Hashem,
how long? Relent concerning Your servants Satisfy us in the morning with Your kindness: may we sing and rejoice all of our days. Give us joy commensurate to the days that You afflicted
us, the years that we saw evil." "Return us to You, HaShem, and we will return; renew our days as of old." "HaShem, may Your kindness be upon us as we have hoped in You."
"May HaShem our God be with us as He was with our fathers. May He not abandon us and never leave us. May He incline our hearts to Him, so that we will walk in all of His ways and guard the commandments, rules and laws that He gave our fathers. May these words which I have pleaded before HaShem be close to HaShem our God day and night, so that He will act righteously on behalf of His servant and perform justice for His nation, the Jewish people, every day. Then may all of the nations of the land know that HaShem is God--there is no other!"
Translated from Rebbe Natan prayer