Shavua Tov!!!
🙌🏽B”H we are only the messengers, and the tzadikim are the conduit to Hashem and our prayers. 🙌🏽

A BIG thank you to our sponsor!!💙This prayer trek to Rabbi Yehuda bar Ilai kever is sponsored by Shaina Pearl Bar Chana May she Marry her zivug speedily, be blessed with good health and success in her business and Torah study. May Hashem bless her and always and help her attain all their heart's wishes for the very best, amen.
For everyone you posted in the “parnassa” prayer thread, your prayers were prayed for at Rabbi Yehuda bar Ilai kever. Please light a candle in his merit today!
Your prayers were prayed in the dark in the freezing cold and rain 🌧 B”H Shaina Schartz and I prayed the names twice as well as said Tikkun HaKlali twice and prayed special parnassa and livelihood prayers.
If you find value in Emuna Builders praying at Holy Tzadikkim kevers your prayers, please consider being a partner to $8/month.