🙌🏽B”H we are only the messengers, and the tzadikim are the conduit to Hashem and our prayers. 🙌🏽

A BIG Thank You to our sponsor is dedicated to our sponsor Michal Karen Bat Luna. May she blessed with shalom bayit, success, parnassa, simcha, good health, and nachas from Her family May Hashem bless them always and help them attain all their heart's wishes for the very best, amen
Everyone who posted in the “Rabbi Kanievsky” prayer thread, your prayers were prayed for at Rabbi Kanievsky’s kever. Please light a candle in his merit today! May we all hear good news soon!
If you find value in Emuna Builders praying at Holy Tzadikkim kevers your prayers, please consider being a partner to $8/month. www.emunabuilders.com