7th of Adar - on Moshe Rabbanu Hilulah Prayer trek to Rabbi Joseph Caro!
🙌🏽B”H we are only the messengers, and the tzadikim are the conduit to Hashem and our prayers. 🙌🏽
💙Deep gratitude to our sponsor, Chava Sara bat Marina, mazal shamay, chanie Namdar and Ella Emmie for making this prayer trek happen to Rabbi Joseph Caro! May Chava Sara bat Marina be blessed with with the right zivug, it should be with clarity and it should be with the right person and he should have clarity too! May Hashem bless her always and help her attain all her heart's wishes for the very best, amen
Please light a candle in Rabbi Joseph Caro’s merit if you commented in the prayer thread as your prayers were prayed there today!