Baruch Hashem, it’s been a great 2 years since Emuna Builders
became official. We’ve grown from a small group of
sisters into an amazing community dedicated to the service of the
Creator. We’ve been doing many great things together, but there’s a
lot more to come!
Our group has been focused on opening the channels of prayer
and salvation to everyone. As we explained in many places, going to
Kivrei Tzaddikim (Graves of the Righteous) has tremendous power to
effect salvation.
While some might think that this is just a “Kabbalistic” custom,
the fact is that it is recorded in the Shulchan Arukh (the Code of
Jewish Law), Orach Chaim 579:3. It’s written that one should go to
the graves of the righteous, especially during fast days or difficult
times. It’s been widely accepted to visit them also on Rosh Hashanah
and Tisha B’Av. The Arizal teaches us that the Nefesh of a Tzaddik
who passed away remains in the grave and going there can arouse
him to pray for us since they are compassionate. We don’t pray to
them, though we can certainly ask them to pray for us, as the Shelah
HaKadosh, Pri Megadim and Maharam Schik, among others teach us.
This is one of the reasons the Talmud (Taanit 16a) gives to
visiting Kivrei Tzaddikim. Another reason is to remind us of our own
mortality. Here in this plastic world of materiality, we all have
misconceptions due to faulty comparisons with the next person.
Going to the graves of the righteous remind us that this world is
temporary and the body’s end is the same no matter if you are rich or
poor, wise or ignorant, strong or weak and so on. It puts things more
in perspective and can also push a person to Teshuvah.
I’ve seen many fantastic things happening to our members and
am glad to have started it. The power of our community combined
(almost 4,000 people!) certainly adds to the efficacy of prayers and
this is actually brought down. Based on Chassidic and Kabbalistic sources, the intention to
connect to a larger group can greatly enhance its power even if
people are so far apart.
According to our sages, prayer is “one of the things that stand
at the top of the world, but people despise it”. Rebbe Nachman of
Breslev also taught us that it has the power to change nature and
actually is an aspect of having true Emuna. This is one of the reasons
why he stressed in many places 1 hour of hitbodedut (prayer in
seclusion) every day.
Going to the graves of the righteous increases our connection
to them. When a Tzaddik is buried, his grave opens up a portal that
traverses the spiritual worlds all the way to the Throne of Glory. That
is why any Torah and Prayer that is done next to the graves has much
more value.
It’s also noteworthy that the bodies of many of the Tzaddikim
who have purified themselves so much didn’t decay. There’ve been
witnesses of this fact with the Vilna Gaon, Rabbi Yochanan Perlow of
Karlin Stolin and Rabbi Abdullah Somaich among many others.
Prayer is an essential life skill, which in fact can measure how
one is living. A person who prays can truly feel Hashem close by and
can rid himself of many problems. In fact, many of our Rabbis teach
us that Hashem sends us challenges particularly so we are forced to
pray. Remember that the more you pray, the better you get at it and
you should never give up for Rabbi Natan of Breslev and many others
already attested that praying for something straight for 40 days is
sure to give some result (provided the prayer is worthy).
It’s been a great honor to be able to help so many people with
you! If you or someone you know needs help, make sure to sponsor a
prayer trek or attend one of our upcoming courses or prayer sessions.
Be sure to also subscribe to our newsletter and I hope to hear
from you soon!
This article was written and published in the zechut of all Emuna Builder Partners. May they have complete emuna and continue in spreading emuna!