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Deep gratitude for our cosponsors to help make this happen for everyone! Without your help we aren’t able to make this possible!!!!! This is a big mitzvah ! I have counted 31 mitzvah’s so far that happen when we engage in a prayer trek!!!

@ The Baba Sali

Malchut - kingship prayer trek in the zechut of Esther Shoshana bas Zelda, in memory of my Holy Mother'sZL 13th Yartzeit כט חשון, זעלדע בת צבי הירש הכהן וריקיל. I miss your endless brachos and love shik a gris tzi deddy and the Rebono Shel Olam. Moshiach, anonymous member, Frieda Bat Shayndl, Pnina bat Rivka Refuah Shlemah that it should be a healthy year and Halacha in reaching the bonus! Yitzchak Chaim Ben Yehudit pasrnassa tova, Ephraim ben Yenta Freida,Rahel bat Esther Gittel ( ah), Moriah Tzofia Malka bat Rahel, Chaim Yisroel ben Rahel , Hatzlacha to Netaniel Reuven Ben Pnina, zeev Reuven Ben Pnina and shoshana Shifra bat Pnina! Refuah shlema to Tzvi Hakohen Ben Yaffa, Rivka bat Chava & Yehudit bat Pesya and to all the Chaylim and Ahm Israel! Hoping for peace and keep Israel safe. HaShem help them attain all their hearts desires speedily with complete emuna as well as klal Israel. May we all hear good news soon!

Our day of prayer continued as Emuna Builder partners had their exclusive prayer treks

Emuna Builder Partner Prayer treks :

🕯️ Baba Sali Wife

🕯️ Esther Baba Sali daughter

🕯️ Meir Issaschar

🕯️Rabbi Yaacov Dadon and his wife

🕯️Rabbi Moshe Edri

🕯️Rabbi Shalom Ifegan

Exclusive EB partner prayer trek!!!!

May we hear good news soon!!!!

If you would like to become an Emuna Builder Partner you can join today!


Rebbe Nachman of Breslov’s teachings in Likutei Moharan II, Lesson #40 present profound insights into the sanctity of the Land of Israel and its connection to Divine wisdom and providence. This lesson unveils the spiritual depths of Israel’s holiness, connecting it to HaShem’s continuous presence, wisdom, and the unique role of tzaddikim in revealing these truths. Here, we delve into the key elements of this teaching, exploring its relevance to our spiritual journey.

The Taste of the Land of Israel: Beyond Physical Boundaries

Rebbe Nachman teaches that truly “knowing” and “tasting” the Land of Israel goes beyond geographical presence. It is an experiential reality where one internalizes the Land’s sanctity and aligns with its Divine essence. This level of connection is not readily accessible to everyone—it demands a spiritual refinement and an openness to absorb the Land’s profound holiness.

The “taste” of the Land is likened to the “taste of intellect,” a realm of understanding accessible only to those with spiritual maturity. This wisdom enables one to discern tzaddikim and their levels of spiritual greatness, as well as the authenticity of those around them.

The Air of the Land Makes Wise

One of the most compelling ideas from this teaching is the phrase: “The air of the Land of Israel makes wise.” Drawing on Talmudic and Kabbalistic sources, Rebbe Nachman explains that Israel’s unique atmosphere fosters wisdom because of its direct connection to HaShem’s providence. The Talmud recounts how Rabbi Zeira, upon ascending to the Holy Land, experienced a profound shift in understanding, attributing it to the Land’s sanctified air.

The Zohar reveals that this wisdom emanates from the sefirah of Chokhmah (Wisdom), which illuminates the Land uniquely. Rebbe Nachman emphasizes that Israel receives this illumination directly from HaShem, unlike other lands.

Divine Providence: God’s Constant Supervision

The sanctity of the Land of Israel is intricately tied to HaShem’s constant providence. As the Torah states, “God your Lord keeps His eyes on it continuously, from the beginning of the year to the end of the year” (Deuteronomy 11:12). This “watchful eye” symbolizes HaShem’s active presence and care for Israel, infusing the Land with sanctity and wisdom.

Rebbe Nachman draws a parallel between this Divine supervision and the Talmudic concept that “the air of the Land of Israel makes wise.” Wisdom and providence are interconnected, as wisdom allows one to perceive and align with HaShem’s will, while providence ensures the sanctity of the environment where wisdom flourishes.

The Role of the Tzaddik and the Jewish People

Rebbe Nachman underscores the importance of tzaddikim in accessing and revealing the sanctity of the Land. The tzaddik, deeply rooted in the holiness of Israel, acts as a bridge for others, allowing them to taste this spiritual reality. He further connects this to the Jewish people, who are described in Scripture as “Israel, in whom I take pride” (Isaiah 49:3). This Divine pride is the source of the Land’s unique holiness and wisdom.

Lessons for Our Spiritual Growth

1. Strive for Wisdom: The sanctity of the Land of Israel teaches us the importance of developing a “taste for intellect” by immersing ourselves in Torah study and the pursuit of spiritual understanding.

2. Seek Divine Providence: Recognizing HaShem’s constant presence in our lives brings clarity, purpose, and alignment with His will.

3. Connect to the Tzaddikim: By seeking guidance from genuine tzaddikim, we can access deeper levels of holiness and wisdom that illuminate our spiritual journey.

4. Internalize Holiness: Just as the Land of Israel is sanctified by HaShem’s watchful presence, we too can sanctify our lives by inviting HaShem’s presence into every moment.

Rebbe Nachman’s teachings remind us that the Land of Israel is not just a physical space but a spiritual dimension that fosters wisdom, holiness, and Divine connection. By striving to “taste” its sanctity—whether physically or spiritually—we align ourselves with HaShem’s wisdom and providence, transforming our understanding and elevating our lives.

Writer's picture: Esther NavaEsther Nava

Yesod "foundation" prayer trek in the zechut of Rivkah Rut Miriam bat Elisheva Yosepha Yahudit, Sharone bat Synthia, Moshe Yosef HaLevi Ben Zlata Leah, Rivka Nechama bas Tzivia and Rochel bas Rivka Nechama, Leora Yehudis Bas Kayla, For an immediate Refua Shleima for Moriya Tzofia Malka bat Rahel all the cholim of Klal Yisroel, Yaakov ben Sarah, Chaya Channah bas Masha Perel, DovBer ben Masha Perel, Yosef Yitzchak ben Masha Perel, Yonasan Dovid ben Masha Perel, Dovid Chaim ben Victoria, Chaya Mushka bas Nettel, Raphael Chaim Mayer ben Sima Chasha, Chana Leah Sara bas Peshe Gittel, Heleni Orna bas Chen Chana. Tzipporah Miriam Bas Ilana - clarify, parnossah, shidduch and for fruitfulness  Yehoshua Shlomo Ben Ilana Sharon  - health and happiness  Chananya Yitzchok Ben Ilana Sharon - Hashem’s help in his life   Yehudah Avrohom Bezalel Ben Ilana Sharon - Hashems guidance   Ilana Sharon Bas Adina Ita Leah - refuah Sheilama. May HaShem help them attain all their hearts desires speedily as well as klal Israel with complete emuna!

🕯️ Dan Ben Yaacov Kever

Prayer to HaShem: The Light of Yesod

Master of the Universe, HaShem, the foundation of our existence,

You who gather and channel the flow of divine energy into this world, guide us to build a solid foundation for our lives. Strengthen our resolve to align our deeds with righteousness, reflecting the light of Your truth and holiness.

Help us embrace the moral values upon which our lives stand, to choose holiness over distraction, and to direct every effort toward fulfilling Your purpose for us. Just as Yesod serves as the channel connecting the upper worlds to the lower, may we too become vessels of light, transmitting Your blessings to those around us.

HaShem, may we strive to emulate the tzaddikim, whose lamps burn brightly with Torah, prayer, and good deeds. Let our actions be like garments of honor, ensuring that we stand clothed in merit before You. Let us learn from their example to bring light into dark places and to guide others toward You.

In our deeds, may we create lamps that burn eternally in Your treasury. Like the tzaddik who shares his garments with the undeserving, let us find the strength to give to others selflessly and to uplift them. Teach us to walk in humility and service, drawing closer to You with every step.

Bless us, HaShem, with the clarity to see how every good action binds us to You. May our foundations be firm, built upon the unshakable bedrock of Your guidance and love. Let the light of Yesod illuminate our paths, drawing us into Your infinite embrace.


The Energy of Yesod — Foundations in Life and Righteousness

The concept of Yesod in Kabbalah translates to “foundation” and embodies the energy that connects the spiritual and the physical, the higher worlds and our earthly existence. As the bridge between divine flow and practical reality, Yesod invites us to examine the structures upon which we build our lives. Are our foundations solid, grounded in moral values, or are they fragile, prone to collapse under the weight of fleeting desires?

Yesod: The Light That Connects Worlds

In the mystical tradition, Yesod channels the divine light of the Sefirot above it and passes it into Malkhut, representing the physical world. This process symbolizes the responsibility of aligning our spiritual aspirations with tangible action. Much like the tzaddik, who lives not for himself but for others, Yesod gathers and distributes divine energy to bring holiness into everyday life.

The teachings of Rebbe Nachman beautifully illustrate this. He likens our deeds to garments that clothe our soul after death. A person whose life is filled with good deeds will stand adorned in splendor, but one who neglects this may arrive spiritually “naked.” The tzaddik, in his selflessness, even shares his merit with others, offering a garment to the undeserving to save them from spiritual ruin. This image calls us to consider: What garments are we weaving through our actions?

Building a Strong Moral Foundation

Yesod challenges us to live with integrity and purpose. Like the foundation of a house, our lives depend on the stability of our moral values. If these values are upright, the structure of our life stands tall and proud. If they are corrupted, the building becomes crooked and unsteady.

To build a strong foundation, we must commit to a life of righteousness, guided by Torah, prayer, and good deeds. These acts not only fortify our spiritual connection but also create “lamps” that illuminate our future in the World to Come. Rebbe Nachman teaches that the duration of our exploration of divine treasures in the next world depends on how brightly our lamps burn here.

The Tzaddik as a Channel of Light

The tzaddik, representing the pinnacle of morality and holiness, exemplifies the ideal of Yesod. His life is dedicated to drawing others closer to HaShem, teaching that even the smallest acts of goodness carry profound spiritual weight. Through his deeds, the tzaddik inspires us to realize our potential, emphasizing that we, too, can channel divine energy into the world.

One story recounts a tzaddik who gave one of his garments to a soul in the afterlife, saving them from destruction. This act demonstrates the transformative power of selfless love and service. By following this example, we learn to serve HaShem altruistically, reaping rewards that far exceed our own efforts.

Yesod in Daily Life

Yesod is not just a mystical concept—it is a practical guide for living. It calls us to evaluate the foundation of our relationships, work, and personal growth. Are we building with integrity, or are we cutting corners? Are our actions aligned with our values, or are we distracted by fleeting pursuits?

To embody Yesod, we must strive for consistency and righteousness. Every good deed becomes a “lamp,” every moral choice a building block in the edifice of our lives. By living intentionally, we create a foundation that can withstand challenges and elevate us toward our divine purpose.

Yesod reminds us that our lives are a bridge between the spiritual and the physical, a foundation upon which the light of HaShem can shine. By embracing its lessons, we can build lives of meaning, rooted in holiness and illuminated by the eternal glow of good deeds. Let us strive to become like the tzaddikim, channels of divine light, bringing blessings into the world and drawing closer to HaShem with every action.

May our lamps burn brightly, and may our garments reflect the beauty of lives well-lived.


This website is dedicated in the zechut of Isabell Sophia Barlow, Chava bat Chava Chaya,  Leib Eliyahu ben Yahel יהל Yehudit, z'l, R' HILLELZL & ZELDA ZL RUBINSTEIN


Laura bat Mary 

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