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Baba Haki Prayer trek in the zechut of Kari bat Linda & Rivkah Rut Miriam bat Elisheva Yosepha, and Yahudit refuah shlema speedily ! May HaShem help them attain all their hearts desires with complete emuna as well as klal Israel.

Praying from Volume 1 of Pick Me Up HaShem 💙🇮🇱💙


BH with immense gratitude to HaShem and all cosponsors to help make this happen yesterday! A powerful prayer day here at Kever Rachel 🎉🎉

Kever Rachel prayer trek in the zechut of Eliana Yael Yocheved bat Sarah, Leora Yehudis Bas Kayla, Emanuela Bat Devora, successful kidney transplant of Doris Devorah bat Rachel as well as complete Refua Shlema for her and her living donor BH, Jeanette daughter of Maria for health, abundance, and success in all areas of life, Tzvia Mechlah bat Rochel Brun. May HaShem help them attain all their hearts desires speedily with complete emuna, success in all their endevors and excellent health as well as all klal Israel.

Please light a candle 🕯️


Chodesh Tov!!!!! It’s the new month of Kieslev! The month of miracles 🥳🥳🥳 Deep gratitude to our sponsor Priscilla bas aurora for help making this prayer trek happen! HaShem bless her infinitely, complete emuna and success in all her endeavors. For Asher Ben Courtney Maisey bas Courtney Jeremie Ben Ileana Bethanie bas Ileana Ana bas bas Ileana Mackenzie bas Ileana Sophia bas Priscilla all her grand babies and her youngest child. As well as all klal Israel! May we all hear good news soon!

Over 500 individuals prayed for today 🥳


This website is dedicated in the zechut of Isabell Sophia Barlow, Chava bat Chava Chaya,  Leib Eliyahu ben Yahel יהל Yehudit, z'l, R' HILLELZL & ZELDA ZL RUBINSTEIN


Laura bat Mary 

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